很多人误认为Era的The Mass是纳粹德国的军歌,我也如此,直到老友“乡下人进城”告诉我这个是个古老的拉丁文诗歌O Fortuna, 是歌颂命运女神的。英文翻译歌词如下: O Fortune, just like the moon thou art variable, always dost thou wax and wane. Detestable life, first dost thou mistreat us, and then, whimsically, thou heedest our desires. As the sun melts the ice, so dost thou dissolve both poverty and power. Monstrous and empty fate, thou, turning wheel, art mean, voiding good health at thy will. Veiled in obscurity, thou dost attack me also. To thy cruel pleasure I bare my back. Thou dost withdraw my health and virtue; thou dost threaten my emotion and weakness with torture. At this hour, therefore, let us pluck the strings without delay. Let us mourn together, for fate crushes the brave. 到了1935年,德国音乐家Carl Orff为该诗配乐,使之成为古典交响乐的经典之一。到2003年,法国音乐家Eric Levi重新演绎了O Fortuan,命名为The Mass(弥撒曲)。 以上内容来自Wiki. 由于The Mass包涵了很多现代音乐的元素,并加快了节奏,使人误认为是进行曲。再加上歌词演唱得铿锵有力,不懂的人也往往误认为是德语,是纳粹军歌。 我们可以比较The Mass,O Fortuna和纳粹军歌坦克兵之歌如下: Era 的The Mass(弥撒曲) The Mass Carl Orff的经典交响乐O Fortuna O Fortuna 纳粹装甲兵之歌 Panzer