海外博物馆的中国文物珍品,部分来自于清代以及民国时期对中国的抢掠,但上博书画部主任单国霖接对早报表示,此次来沪展出的书画珍品来源都很清楚,不涉及抢掠,都是收藏家捐赠或从收藏家手里收购,而且大部分都是在1949年以前收购的,所以就不涉及程序上的合法性问题。如纽约大都会博物馆的不少中国古画藏品很多都来自同一名收藏家——王季迁,他曾入吴湖帆门下学习绘画和鉴定,与徐邦达同门,又与张珩、庞元济、谭敬等收藏家交游,并开始收藏清初“四王”的画。他一生中三次完整地看过故宫(以及后来的台北故宫)藏画,存世中国古画几乎全部过目,鉴赏生涯长达80余年。他在20世纪40年代后期出国,后以买卖古画为生, C. C. Wang (Wang Chi-ch'ien or Wang Jiqian, born 1907) is an accomplished artist who has collected paintings since he began practicing his art more than 70 years ago. For Mr. Wang, collecting has always been a means to an end — a firsthand knowledge of the styles of earlier masters. A resident of New York since 1949, Mr. Wang's collection has long been known to Western scholars and collectors, and today works from his collection are in many important public and university collections in America, including those in Cleveland, Boston, San Francisco, Chicago, and Princeton. By far the largest concentration of paintings from the Wang Family collection — some 60 works — are now at the Metropolitan Museum.