一个人的世界观以及对其他人的看法受其经历影响,尤其是成长阶段的经历。奥巴马身居美国总统高位,作为美军最高指挥,其对中国人与日本人的了解显然相当重要。 其简历如下:1961年出生于夏威夷,父亲为肯尼亚留学生、学者,黑人,母亲为白人;1964年,父母离异;1963年,其母亲认识了在夏威夷大学读研究生的印尼留学生LOLO,1965年结婚;1967年,随母亲来到印尼,与继父生活在一起;1971年,回到夏威夷。奥巴马自身的定位是被压迫的种族,而且他继承了其生父的部分思想,具有反殖民主义特征,具有同情被压迫人民的心态。 奥巴马写过至少两本书:《Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance》(来自父亲的梦:一个种族与继承的故事),《AUDACITY OF HOPE: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream》(无畏的希望:思考重新美国梦)。第一本书是讲奥巴马的成长经历,第二本书讲奥巴马的政治、外交理念。我从这两本书里搜索“Jap”以及“China”或者“Chinese"。以下是我的总结。 在第一本书里,关于日本人,奥巴马主要提到两件事:(1)其母亲在去印尼之前,仔细研究了当地的历史,包括日本人对当地的占领与掠夺;(2)提到日本人在二战期间被美国关入集中营。关于中国人,奥巴马提到(1)中国人在印尼挣扎在社会边缘;(2)一次在飞机上遇到一个中国人家庭,但在海关被扣住搜查,一家老小很可怜的样子。 第二本书里,关于日本,奥巴马主要提到: (1) 日本汽车工业对美国汽车工业的冲击;(2) 二战期间美国将日本人关入集中营;(3)二战日本加入轴心国,为了实现对荷属东印度(印尼等)的扩张与石油的掠夺,偷袭珍珠港;(4)指责一战后,美国采取孤立政策,坐视德国、日本扩军;(5)二战后,美国的核保护伞阻止了日本进入军备扩张。关于中国,奥巴马往往是与印度一起提到(China and India),主要是(1)美国市场使中印大量减少贫困;(2)美国公司正在中国(与印度)快速参与;(3)美国不可能与中印在劳力成本上竞争;(4)美国仍远强于中印;(5)中国教育系统强大;(6)中国某些政策先进;(7)中国购买大量美国债务;(8)面对俄国与中国,美国有时必须充当世界警察;(9)中国是潜在的对手。 由此可见,奥巴马从小即清楚日本侵略的历史,对日本人没有深层次的好感。在对待轴心国的策略上,奥巴马正确理解了美国的国策,通过提供安全承诺阻止日本及德国军事化。这与尼克松当年对周恩来所阐述的一致。 对中国人,奥巴马表现出一定的同情。奥巴马视未来的中国为美国的竞争对手,但强调的重点是在经济与教育。
安倍晋三上台,顽固坚持他的右派立场,美国会又在玩火。 准备不如意,不如意可能不会发生;没有准备,不如意一定会发生。 这是中国五千年的智慧。 孙子说,不可胜在己,可胜在敌。 致胜的法宝是,出其不意,攻其不备。没有想到,没有准备,就必定被打败。 无隙可击,才有不可胜。 ☆ ☆ ☆ 安倍晋三和奥巴马都不是有远见的政治家。 美国人在朝鲜、越南、伊拉克、阿富汗都没有捡到便宜。但它还想玩火。 捣乱、失败、再捣乱、直到最终彻底失败,这是美帝国主义的逻辑。 冷战时代虽然过去了,但美国的冷战心理不改。 日本虽然在第二次世界大战中投降了,但军国主义阴魂不散。 扫帚不到,灰尘是不会跑掉的。 摩擦、走火、战争的可能性都真真实实地切实存在。 ☆ ☆ ☆ 树欲静而风不止。 中国人是不愿意多事的,是安倍晋三和奥巴马要挑事。 对于中国人,现在只有一条路。 那就是把中国爱好和平、日本美国在挑起战争的事实真相告诉全世界,要争取最大多数的朋友站在我们一边。 这个世界是靠实力的,我们要把自己的“肌肉”强壮起来,把国力、财力、军力强大起来。和平时间越久,对我们越有力。 同时,必须警惕日本和美国。 要准备打大战、打恶战,准备打烂坛坛罐罐,打完了仗,再建设。 不是我们要打仗,而是安倍晋三和奥巴马要挑事。 不是我们要打仗,而是树欲静而风不止。 我们的战略是防御的,不是进攻的。我们的导弹都是车载的,是准备躲过美国和日本发动的第一波的。 ☆ ☆ ☆ 如果安倍晋三胆敢打第一枪,就让他死无葬身之地。 一旦开战,就把把日本打瘫,在第一波就把日本打瘫。 不打无准备之战,不打无把握之战。 现代战争的特点,是定点清除。 我们有北斗定位系统,我们有洲际弹道导弹,我们有原子弹。 定准每一个日本军事基地、定准每一个日本军营、定准日本海上自卫队的每一艘战舰,出其不意,定点清除,突然在同一时刻,在第一时间把日本打瘫,让它无还手之力。 第二次世界大战并没有结束。 安倍晋三梦想第二次世界大战死灰复燃。 如果安倍晋三胆敢打第一枪,就定点清除日本战争根源,把日本打瘫,一劳永逸地结束第二次世界大战。 积贫积弱的中国人,都不怕小日本,难道今天的中国人还怕核电站遍及日本各地的小日本吗?究竟是日本人怕打烂坛坛罐罐、怕打烂它的核电站,还是我们怕打烂坛坛罐罐? 然后 一劳永逸地解决二战遗留问题 日本首相野田佳彦,挑起“购岛”闹剧。 日本政府相关人士15日透露,日本首相野田佳彦已经决定,如果其在21日的日本民主党党代表选举中赢得连任、继续担任日本首相,那么他将在本月下旬出席联合国大会发表演讲时就领土领海问题阐明日本立场,呼吁遵照“法的支配”原则解决争端。 这给了我们一个一劳永逸地解决二战遗留问题的机会。 二战之后,德国已经认罪。1970年12月7日,联邦德国前总理勃兰特双膝跪在波兰犹太人死难者纪念碑前。史称德国总理的“惊天一跪”。 即便如此,欧洲国家,也一直没有忘记追捕法西斯的战犯。 但抗日战争不同。 日本不但没有认罪,他们不承认南京大屠杀,他们不承认毒气战,他们不承认辽宁平顶山屠杀,他们不承认慰安妇。他们不承认一切在二战时期的罪恶。 日本还在拜靖国神社。 世界不但不追杀日本战犯,还容忍日本在靖国神社跪拜战犯。 抗日战争并没有结束。 日本人贼心不死,他们没有悔过,相反却在有计划、有步骤、有预谋地复活军国主义。 日本只是没有机会,有机会他一定会搞第二次轰炸珍珠港。 这是日本的本性。 从日本怎样对待《开罗宣言》和《波茨坦公告》中已经铁定的领土问题,我们就知道他们会怎样对待珍珠港。 美国人应该有这个警觉。 抗日战争并没有结束。 中国的钓鱼屿问题,和韩国的独岛问题,以及俄罗斯的南千岛群岛问题,是二次世界大战的遗留问题,是中国抗日战争的遗留问题。 如果野田佳彦胆敢联合国大会发表演讲时就领土领海问题阐明日本立场,我们就应搬出《开罗宣言》和《波茨坦公告》,联合朝鲜、韩国、俄罗斯、波兰,以及罗斯福和邱吉尔的子孙,把抗日战争进行到底。 这不是岛争! 这是日本重燃二战的战火! 一切爱好和平的人们,都应该团结起来,把二战进行到底! 一切爱好和平的人们,都应该团结起来,把抗日战争进行到底! 只要看《开罗宣言》和《波茨坦公告》原文,我们就知道,日本的领土,只“限于本州、北海道、九州、四国及吾人所决定其他小岛之内”,这里根本不存在岛争的问题。 我们无需和日本进行什么“岛争”。 我们要做的,只是完成二次世界大战中,战胜国对战败国的安排,小日本必须归还“日本自一九一四年第一次世界大战开始后,在太平洋上所夺得或占领之一切岛屿,及日本在中国所窃取之领土,如东北四省台湾澎湖列岛等归还中华民国。” 我们不需要谈判。日本不服气,我们就把抗日战争进行到底就行了。 开罗宣言 Cairo Conference 1943 November, 1943 Released December 1,1943 The several military missions have a greed upon future military operations against Japan. The Three Great Allies expressed the irresolve to bring unrelenting pressure against their brutal enemies by sea, land, and air. This pressure is already mounting. The Three Great Allies are fighting this war to restrain and punish the aggression of Japan. They covet no gain for themselves and have no thought of territorial expansion. It is their purpose that Japan shall be stripped of all the islands in the Pacific which she has seized or occupied since the beginning of the first World War in 1914, and that all the territories Japan has stolen from the Chinese, such as Manchuria, Formosa, and the Pescadores, shall be restored to the Republic of China. Japan will also be expelled from all other territories which she has taken by violence and greed. The afore said three great powers, mindful of the enslavement of the people of Korea, are determined that in due course Korea shall be come free and independent. With these objects inview the three Allies, in harmony with those of the United Nations at war with Japan, will continue to persevere in the serious and prolonged operations necessary to procure the unconditional surrender of Japan. 波茨坦公告 Proclamation Defining Terms for Japanese Surrender Issued, at Potsdam, July 26, 1945 1.We-the President of the United States, the President of the National Government of the Republic of China, and the Prime Minister of Great Britain, representing the hundreds of millions of our countrymen, have conferred and agree that Japan shall be given an opportunity to end this war. 2.The prodigious land, sea and air forces of the United States, the British Empire and of China, many times reinforced by their armies and air fleets from the west, are poised to strike the final blows upon Japan. This military power is sustained and inspired by the determination of all the Allied Nations to prosecute the war against Japan until she ceases to resist. 3.The result of the futile and senseless German resistance to the might of the aroused free peoples of the world stands forth in awful clarity as an example to the people of Japan. The might that now converges on Japan is immeasurably greater than that which, when applied to the resisting Nazis, necessarily laid waste to the lands, the industry and the method of life of the whole German people. The full application of our military power, backed by our resolve, will mean the inevitable and complete destruction of the Japanese armed forces and just as inevitably the utter devastation of the Japanese homeland. 4.The time has come for Japan to decide whether she will continue to be controlled by those self-willed militaristic advisers whose unintelligent calculations have brought the Empire of Japan to the threshold of annihilation, or whether she will follow the path of reason. 5.Following are our terms. We will not deviate from them. There are no alternatives. We shall brook no delay. 6.There must be eliminated for all time the authority and influence of those who have deceived and misled the people of Japan into embarking on world conquest, for we insist that a new order of peace, security and justice will be impossible until irresponsible militarism is driven from the world. 7.Until such a new order is established and until there is convincing proof that Japan's war-making power is destroyed, points in Japanese territory to be designated by the Allies shall be occupied to secure the achievement of the basic objectives we are here setting forth. 8.The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out and Japanese sovereignty shall be limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and such minor islands as we determine. 9.The Japanese military forces, after being completely disarmed, shall be permitted to return to their homes with the opportunity to lead peaceful and productive lives. 10.We do not intend that the Japanese shall be enslaved as a race or destroyed as a nation, but stern justice shall be meted out to all war criminals, including those who have visited cruelties upon our prisoners. The Japanese Government shall remove all obstacles to the revival and strengthening of democratic tendencies among the Japanese people. Freedom of speech, of religion, and of thought, as well as respect for the fundamental human rights shall be established. 11.Japan shall be permitted to maintain such industries as will sustain her economy and permit the exaction of just reparations in kind, but not those which would enable her to re-arm for war. To this end, access to, as distinguished from control of, raw materials shall be permitted. Eventual Japanese participation in world trade relations shall be permitted. 12.The occupying forces of the Allies shall be withdrawn from Japan as soon as these objectives have been accomplished and there has been established in accordance with the freely expressed will of the Japanese people a peacefully inclined and responsible government. 13.We call upon the government of Japan to proclaim now the unconditional surrender of all Japanese armed forces, and to provide proper and adequate assurances of their good faith in such action. The alternative for Japan is prompt and utter destruction.
根据这个报道: http://dailycurrant.com/2012/11/06/george-bush-accidently-votes-obama/ 前总统布什无意中投了奥巴马的票。报道称,布什被电子投票搞糊涂了,错选了奥巴马,当他要取消选项重新选择罗姆尼时,却按错了键,进行了投票操作。布什意识到这个错误后与投票站管理人员发生了争执,他要求修改投票,但管理人员依照州法规定拒绝了他的要求。 据称,当时布什旁边的一位记者被争执所吸引,注意到了这个错误。但法律不允许她报道投票站内的事情。于是她等在投票站外面突然向布什提问到:”总统先生,FOX新闻报道你无意中投了奥巴马的票,对此您有何评论?”。布什于是试图解释。他说,发现错误后,他按了红色的CAST BALLOT按钮,以为这是扔掉选择的按钮,谁知这是投票健。布什称投票机设计太混乱了,红色键应该是STOP重来嘛。 Former U.S. president George W. Bush accidentally voted for Barack Obama today at a polling place near his Crawford, TX home. According to local reports, the two-term Republican was confused by the instructions on his electronic voting machine and mistakenly cast a ballot he intended to discard. Witnesses say Bush argued with poll workers for several minutes afterwards in a effort to redo his vote, but in accordance with state law they ultimately denied his request. The embarrassing incident may have gone unnoticed if it weren't for a local newspaper reporter who happened to be voting in the next booth. Suzanna Everett, a politics correspondent for the Waco Times witnessed the entire ordeal and crafted a cunning scheme to make it public. Left On Red Barred by ethics rules from using knowledge gained within a polling station, Everett waited for Bush to leave the facility and ambushed him with a trick question designed to fool him into revealing the news himself: "Mr. President Fox News is reporting that you've accidentally voted for Barack Obama. Would you care to comment?" Thinking that his mistake had already been found out, Bush sought to minimize the damage: "Yes unfortunately because of the incompetence of the folks who designed the ballot, my vote counted for the other guy," Bush responded. He then attempted to explain exactly how the mishap occurred: "First of all, everything was very mismaladjusted on the screen. You shouldn't put the senators and the congresspeople and the presidents all jumbled together like that. It's too crowded. Just confuses folks." Bush then explained that after marking the wrong candidate, he sought to correct his error by clicking the red "Cast Ballot" button, thinking that it was designed to 'cast away' the ballot and bring up a fresh one: "Usually red means stop and green means go. I thought I was stopping" A New Legacy Bush is no stranger to election day controversy, having been pushed into office himself by the Florida fiasco of 2000. In that election hundreds of votes intended for Democratic rival Al Gore went to protest candidate Pat Buchanan instead due to poor ballot design. In an official statement released shortly after the event, former President Bush said his experiences today have inspired him to make electoral reform the signature cause of his post-presidency: "Laura and I will be dedicating the next few years to fixing our electoral system. Every American deserves a clear, simple ballot when they go to the polling place." However, the system Bush used has been deployed successfully around the country with little incident. A spokesperson for the company that manufactures the machines says they stand by their product: "Until today we have never had a single instance of someone confusing the "cast ballot" button for a "cast away ballot" button. This is a problem unique to Mr. Bush, and we have no plans to change our machines." 制造假新闻的(像那些伪造基辛格重庆模式秘密报告的)应该学着点。
俄国人说普希金是俄罗斯诗歌的太阳。如果要说中国诗歌,那么红太阳就是毛泽东。 李白、曹操?你去问问世界其他国家的人民,他们听说过吗? 有人曾经热情万丈向世界人民推荐李白的“窗前明月光,疑似地上霜”,得到的反应是“too simple, kind of naive”,作为儿歌可以及格,作为文化、文明的代表就显得太肤浅了。 中国诗歌在宋代是一个高潮,但宋代的诗词读起来往往相当悲催。就连千古江山结尾也是一句令人泄气的”还有力气吃饭吗?" 我翻成英文是: ”General Lian Po is old already。 Who is there to ask, can he still eat or not?" 。而且往往用典极多,深深地带着那个时代的历史印记。 宋词也许能激起中国人的悲情(抑或豪情),却非世界人民所喜好。 中国历史上唯一得到世界公认的诗人就是毛泽东。不但在中国现代文化中随处可见毛泽东的诗词。你如果跟人去说起毛诗Mao Poem,没有人会知道诗经,世界人民只知道毛泽东的诗。举例说明,万里长城不倒2000年,无数文人骚客曾以长城抒怀( 见此链接 ),但却是毛泽东一句“ 不到长城非好汉 ”( He who has not been to the Great Wall is not a true man") 让世界人民折服于汉文明之伟大(注)。如果尼克松引用毛诗尚可解读为外交的需要, 那么美国总统竞选时,奥巴马、麦肯引用毛泽东诗词只能说明 毛泽东诗词跨越文化的持久影响力。 如果说李白等的诗属于中国文明,毛泽东诗词则是人类文明的一部分。 注: 毛 《清平乐·六盘山》 天高云淡,望断南飞雁。 不到长城非好汉,屈指行程二万。 六盘山上高峰,红旗漫卷西风。 今日长缨在手,何时缚住苍龙? 比较: 刘禹锡 【经檀道济故垒】 万里长城坏,荒营野草秋。 王昌龄 【相和歌辞·从军行】 撩乱边愁弹不尽,高高秋月下长城。 李益 【塞下曲】 秦筑长城城已摧,汉武北上单于台。 贺知章 【送人之军】 万里长城寄,无贻汉国忧。 李白 【送张遥之寿阳幕府】 不假筑长城,大贤在其间。